If we want to be known in heaven and feared in hell we must be willing to lose our reputation here on earth.
The Course
Increase your love and passion for god have a more intimate relationship with god life transforming teachings on:
- The nature and character of God
- Hearing the voice of God
- Intercession & spiritual warfare
- Relationship with others
- Singleness | Marriage | Family life
- Dealing with the past
- Discovering your passion
- Worldview
- Evangelism
- Missions and much, much, more!
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) embodies YWAM’s mission to “know God and make Him known”. Our utmost desire is that DTS students will encounter Jesus Christ personally, learn to hear the voice of the Lord, and respond in joyful obedience! For many, this is a time of discovery as they receive a revelation of God’s love for them and how God uniquely wants to use them to accomplish His command to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
The focus of the classroom learning is to know God. During this time, prominent speakers from around the world teach on subjects both live and through DVD training.
During outreach, students are given the opportunity to make God known by sharing what they have learned and experienced in both word and action. Under the guidance of their staff, students engage in countless ministry activities such as evangelism, worship and intercession; serving the poor, orphans and widows; and supporting local churches. Since there is no nation, tribe, or people that we will not visit, most outreaches involve serving in a cross-cultural context with a multi-cultural team.
May God Bless You!
What is DTS?
A five month, live on campus, learning, hands-on Christian training program with a twelve (12) week lecture phase, followed by an eight (8) week outreach phase.
The DTS provides you with an opportunity to take five months away from the normal pressures and routine of life to focus entirely on Jesus, develop personal character, and lead a lifestyle of expressing God’s love to others.
Regardless of whether your calling is to education, family, arts, government, business, church or media, God’s desire is to use you to impact the nations for the Glory of God! Don’t miss out on the DTS!
Tabitha speaks about her experience with DTS and how she was called to missions:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
- Helen Keller
What is the housing situation?
YWAM TT is a live/learn community as we value the relational aspects of learning together. This means that we are primarily a residential campus and campus housing consists of converted homes with bedrooms. Families and married couples are given their own room. Housing costs are included in your course fees.
What is the culture like in Trinidad?
It is appropriate to greet someone when you walk past them with a friendly, “Hello, good morning (good afternoon, good evening, or good night depending on the time of day).”
We do have porcelain flushing toilets, and toilet paper. It is not referred to as the bathroom or restroom but rather the “wash room” or “toilet”.
Trini food is like most Caribbean food. Lots of rice, meat with bones. Ketchup and hot pepper sauce is usually always available. We also have a lot of Indian food, with great rotis (a large flat bread like a tortilla). Juice here is usually extra sweet. We have lots of fresh vegetables and fruits available year round here.
How to get around?
All of your ministry transportation is included in your fee, including to and from the airport and planned outings. If you would like to go out to town on your own (that is with a partner, never alone), taxis are available at a cost, and you have to walk out a quarter to half mile to get to the main road where the taxis run.
How much does it cost?
DTS costs vary slightly based on the country of origin. For a specific cost, please contact us.
How do I pay for this program?
You are responsible for covering all of your school fees. To help with fundraising, we recommend “Friends Raising” by Betty Barnett and “Daring to Live on the Edge” by Loren Cunningham, available at YWAM Publishing.